Episode 18: Marx Brothers: Unsolved

In our latest episode, we examine some unsolved Marx Brothers mysteries. Put on your deerstalker hat and join us on this journey into confusion.

Official description: "Marx Brothers scholar Stewart Tryster returns as we try to explain curious moments in the Marxes' films and career. Who was that in the dark in Animal Crackers? Did pressure from Italians result in the pigeons being cut from A Day at the Races? What edible substance made up Harpo’s A Night in Casablanca hair? We speculate, jump to conclusions, and ignore facts that go against our theories…so you know you’re getting the most solid info anywhere."

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Here's the photo Stewart mentions, taken on the set of Monkey Business, and featuring Frenchie, Harpo, Chico, and possibly Zeppo?


And here's the photo Noah mentions, of the Six Mascots in 1910, featuring Groucho as Hans Pumpernickel, performing "Schnitzelbank":


Episode 19: Two of the Four of the Three Musketeers


Bonuscast | The Jay Hopkins Interviews: Volume 2 - Erin Fleming