Episode 60: The Misty Corridors of Time (Our Sixtieth Episode Retrospective)

Sixty episodes ain’t nothing! Zero episodes would be nothing. But if we’d done zero episodes, then instead of Our Sixtieth Episode Retrospective, this would just be Wednesday. Please join Matthew, Bob, and me as we look back at how the show began and where it’s been; and as we look forward to where it’s going. We’re also looking forward to dinner.

Note for Patreon subscribers: This month’s Bonus Segment will be available next week on our Patreon page.

Seven of the twelve musketeers, recording Episode 60

Official description: “On the occasion of our sixtieth episode (not counting the ones we don’t count), we look back at the history of The Marx Brothers Council Podcast. Starting with its origins, as most stories do, we recount memorable moments, surprising guests, and our few regrets...topped off by hopes and plans for the future.

“And to pay the bills, we also talk some actual Marx Brothers, as we discuss which films we’ve changed our mind most about over the years.

“This is our way of thanking you all for sticking with us after the Skidoo deep dive.”

Note for early birds:  When a new episode is released, it might not appear at all of the locations below right away. If you visit your favorite podcast provider and the previous episode is still the most recent one you see there, be patient! And above all, don't worry.

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Episode 61: Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and Sometimes Scardino (featuring Don Scardino)


Episode 59: Flywheel Rides Again (featuring Mark Brisenden)