Episode 70: What Do You Get For Not Directing?

We’ve had a lot of very special guests and very big episodes lately. But now, our seventieth episode is a simple, back-to-the-basics conversation about the films of the Marx Brothers. (Did you know that in addition to their stage career, the Marx Brothers also made movies? Well, that’s the kind of arcane, fanatics-only intel you can find on The Marx Brothers Council Podcast!)

Specifically, this month we’re considering the directors of these movies. Who were the Brothers’ best directors? Were the best directors they worked with also the best directors for them? To what extent do the directors of the Marx Brothers’ films deserve the credit for what’s good, or the blame for what’s bad? Can you make a director out of Wood? Can you sing while you Buzzell?

The world’s handsomest podcasters recording their seventieth episode

Note for Patreon subscribers: This month’s bonus segment will be available next week, on our Patreon page.

Note for non-Patreon subscribers: Subscribe to the MBCP on Patreon! You’ll get instant access to all of our bonus segments, plus (at the higher levels) our monthly postcard in the mail, fabulous gifts, and, of course, more.

Official description: “This month the guys examine the directors of the Marx Brothers’ films. From Dick Smith of Humor Risk to The Incredible Jewel Robbery’s Mitchell Leisen, they discuss each director’s qualifications, and (Humor Risk aside) whether they elevated the material, brought their own perspectives, or simply stayed out of the way.

“Matthew provides detailed and often surprising biographical info, while Noah highlights specific moments where the directors shined—as well as the work of Edward Buzzell.”

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Episode 69: Marxfest Memories (featuring Kathy Biehl and Jonny Porkpie)