Episode 78: What is Your Opinion of Art? (featuring Pat McCaughey)
Researcher Pat McCaughey joins us to discuss his investigation of Art Fisher, the vaudevillian who gave the Marx Brothers their nicknames.

Episode 77: And Always Zeppo
We discuss Zeppo: The Reluctant Marx Brother, the revelatory new biography by Robert S. Bader.

Episode 76: Animal Crackers Reopened (featuring The Marx Brothers Council)
It’s our return to our favorite Marx Brothers film, Animal Crackers, with responses from listeners, and our responses to those responses.

Episode 75: You Can’t Fool Me! There Ain’t No Santopadre! (featuring Frank Santopadre)
Frank Santopadre, the Emmy Award-winning writer and producer who for eight years enchanted us as the cohost of Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast, joins us for a rollicking hour of Marxian conversation.

Episode 74: We Need to Talk About Erin (featuring David Fleming)
David Fleming, nephew of Erin Fleming, joins us to discuss his aunt’s controversial relationship with Groucho Marx, and his own relationships with both of them.

Episode 73: The Cocoanuts Revisited (featuring the Marx Brothers Council)
In the first episode of our "Revisited" series, we share and respond to our listeners' commentary on The Cocoanuts (1929).

Episode 72: What If…? (featuring Danny Fingeroth)
Danny Fingeroth joins us to discuss the Marx Brothers, Gabe Kaplan, and Jack Ruby, before returning to his Marvel Comics roots for a few rounds of "Marx Brothers What If...?"

Episode 71: If She Figures That One Out, She’s Good
Matthew and Noah share a few especially perplexing Marx Brothers mysteries.

Episode 70: What Do You Get For Not Directing?
A discussion about the directors of the Marx Brothers’ films.

Episode 69: Marxfest Memories (featuring Kathy Biehl and Jonny Porkpie)
A recap of Marxfest 2024, with special guests Kathy Biehl and Jonny Porkpie, two of Noah’s colleagues on the Marxfest Committee. With exclusive audio clips from the festival!